If you were smarter and cooler you would have made a lot more money off this game. But even in this late hour you are unwilling to do the things necessary to make this game desirable. The throttle is located in the absolute dumbest position imaginable and disappears when not being touched with a finger which is then directly in the line of sight. Was testing this game out to see if I liked it. Nope. All the bad reviews on your comments seem exactly right and you people wont listen to your customers. I can see this game has such potential. Hire someone who knows what theyre doing and fix the crappy parts and stop being greedy. Youll actually make MORE money by not scamming people. But you dont get that. You guys seem so out of touch with what people want, how do you ever expect to be successful at anything? Wait, you probably dont.
Ubermodo about F.A.S.T. -- Fleet Air Superiority Tactics!, v4.5